1.商學院MBA貝利獎學金(僅一名中國名額,MBA學費全免) 2.理工學院獎學金:國際學生獎學金,最高可達2500英鎊,可線上申請(www.hull.ac.uk/scienv) 3.教育學院海外學生助學金:可減免500英鎊 4.1000英鎊忠誠助學金-£1000 Loyalty Bursary 在本校本科畢業的學生,如繼續讀本校碩士,可獲本校1000英鎊忠誠助 學金。 Thinking of applying for a masters degree or PhD?......then we want you to stay and continue your education with us. That is why we are offering a £1000 Loyalty bursary to any international student who has completed and undergraduate course at the University of Hull and who are accepted onto one of our postgraduate degree programmes |